About Rae Marie

I believe you were brought here for a reason.

What are you here to do? Do you feel called to write a book? Start your own company? Raise millions for a world-changing cause? Transform your daily routine so you can stress less, relax more, and spend more time with the people you love?

Whatever you long to do, be, or create, let’s bring it into the world.

Over a decade ago I left a successful 25 year career in Interior Design to follow my heart and intuition and work for mind-body expert, Dr. Deepak Chopra. I coached and enrolled thousands of souls into the Chopra Center teachings of meditation, yoga and ayurveda. Now I’m a Certified Wayfinder Life Coach + Kundalini Yoga RYT and I’m here to support you in conquering your fears and revealing to the world the radiant queen that you are.

Don’t die with the music still inside you.

In order to bring your gorgeous music out into the world, sometimes…you need a coach.
Someone to talk to when things are going well, and when things feel incredibly hard. Someone who helps you clear obstacles and keep moving forward, instead of backsliding into old patterns.

I would be honored to be that person for you. Learn more about working with me.

I’m grateful you’re here, and please check out my podcast, newsletter, free meditations, and free online community to get even more familiar with my work.

Seven facts about me:

  1. Prior to launching my own coaching practice, I worked closely with Deepak Chopra at The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, where I coached thousands of clients to find their path to wellness and purpose.
  2. While working at The Chopra Center for Wellbeing, I established the Workplace Wellbeing division, where I I taught Fortune 500 executives how to integrate meditation, mindfulness, and intentional movement into their busy workdays and lives.
  3. Before transitioning into the health and wellness world, I spent 25 years working as an interior designer. I learned how to declutter a space, shift the energy, and fill a room with beauty and intention.
  1. I believe you can curate your mind just like you can curate a room in your home. Clear out the things you don’t need. Bring in fresh energy. Add things that bring you strength, peace, and joy. Like interior design for your consciousness.
  2. My coaching style blends many modalities together: from yoga to meditation to sound healing to Feng shui principles. I draw upon decades of study and bring the “best of” my knowledge to you.
  3. I’m registered in Hatha and Kundalini Yoga and practice Kriya Yoga daily.
  4. I love pineapples and pearls! My daughter lives in Kailua on Oahu in Hawaii, and I visit as often as I can.

Magnetize All Your Desires!

Download a free meditation for women at mid-life to help you live your most awakened and abundant life possible.